FREE Flashcards for Kindergarten!

Welcome to Flashcards for kindergarten .com! This site is for teachers who want free printable teaching materials!
At we provide FREE printable flashcards & posters for kindergarten, homeschool and preschool teachers.
On our website, you will find materials for teaching phonics, ABCs, numbers, colors, shapes, feelings, weather, and more! As our site grows we will add even more free printable flashcards!
When using the site, simply choose a flashcard pack that you like and then download it for FREE! Not only do we give away teaching materials, but we also have many fun educational animations that teach vocabulary and grammar!
How do I download the FREE flashcards?
You can download our materials as PDFs or as JPEGS. Not only that, but some sets come with FREE educational posters and educational videos too! Feel free to print and laminate, or even put them on your computer or smart device.
Each flashcard set comes with multiple versions, so teachers can customize each set to suit their student’s abilities! Choose cards with or without vocabulary words! Print them at any size, as all of the flashcards are uploaded in high resolution!
Each set of these flashcards can be used to teach vocabulary and play exciting games and activities in class! Don`t forget to bookmark us and subscribe to us on social media : )

Having fun colorful flashcards ensures that your children will be focused on what you are teaching. Whether you teach preschool, kindergarten, or homeschool, please browse the site and discover the completely FREE teaching materials!!
Why do we make flashcards for teachers?
We believe that learning should be fun, exciting, and most importantly, FREE! Our designs are based on combining elements that teachers liked about their previous flashcards, and then combining them to increase the amount of grammar and activities they can be used for. We are confident that our free materials are as good as any flashcards that you can find anywhere!
So that’s it! Please support us by subscribing and sharing on social media! Have a great day! : P
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